Saturday, December 27, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Hi from Max and Kristyn
Max says, "Look at this video I made with Fritin."
Firtin is Kristyn. Anywho. He had fun playing with photobooth on my macbook so we decided to make a little movie for Grandma. Miss you and love you!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
16 More days!
I cant believe how quickly the wedding is approaching and things are not slowing down. Warren and I are still working although his three week vacation starts on Sunday. Mom has been a crafter extrodinair doing and helping with every aspect of this wedding is so amazing and so appreciated, Warren and I dont know what we would have done without her help. Thanks Mom! We love you! Other than that we have all just been busy working and counting down the days to the wedding. Warren says that he is getting a little nervous and truth be told so am I, its so exciting to know that this is the man I have chosen to spend my life with. I am so lucky every day, I am surrounded by great family, friends and a man who loves me more than he can say and wants to spend the rest of his life with me! I want to thank you all for your support and love, you make my life so much better! Hope everyone is doing well and we shall see you in a two weeks!!! Love you!
I cant believe how quickly the wedding is approaching and things are not slowing down. Warren and I are still working although his three week vacation starts on Sunday. Mom has been a crafter extrodinair doing and helping with every aspect of this wedding is so amazing and so appreciated, Warren and I dont know what we would have done without her help. Thanks Mom! We love you! Other than that we have all just been busy working and counting down the days to the wedding. Warren says that he is getting a little nervous and truth be told so am I, its so exciting to know that this is the man I have chosen to spend my life with. I am so lucky every day, I am surrounded by great family, friends and a man who loves me more than he can say and wants to spend the rest of his life with me! I want to thank you all for your support and love, you make my life so much better! Hope everyone is doing well and we shall see you in a two weeks!!! Love you!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Well we are back from a great vacation to bridgeport and Santa Barbara to attend graduations,Kelsey kae from the academy she was awarded around 12,000 dollars in scholerships, great job K.K. And Kristyn from Santa Barbara with a double major {psychology and History,great job ladies.the crunch is now for the wedding July 26, Warren is a very nice young man, and cute too.I will keep this short as I am fighting pnemonia . We had a wonderful time and grandma barton went with us. Will write more later grandma,
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Play Ball!
Max is on the team!!! The smallest Kid with the biggest heart! And sunglasses to real cool! Next season he will get a mit! What a proud grandpa. If any body as access to the plog please post.Max is on the team!!! The smallest Kid with the biggest heart! And sunglasses to real cool! Next season he will get a mit! What a proud grandpa.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Looks like he made it!!
Friday, May 30, 2008
getting ready foe a trip
Well we are getting ready to go to graduations and see freinds and family, we will PU grandma B on thursday or friday next week, and heading for briggeport for the northington grads.,I think we will be late for Kyles but should be there for Gun dinner and kelseys graduation if all goes well , then off to Santa Barbara to see Krystin graduate, and then home. We are so proud of our grandkids what great parents the have to ensure they get their schooling . Hopefully they can now support grandpa and me . Soon we will have lots of fruit to pick, you are all welcome to come up and pick as much as you want.
See you soon grandma
See you soon grandma
Monday, May 12, 2008
Poor Bear
It is hard to tell but Doug guesstimates that this bear weighs about 400 lbs. It was hit by a man from Oregon about 5:00 am. I am glad that Doug warned me that it was there I would not have wanted to ride my bike past it on the way to work. Kyle was worried that someone hit it with a stick, but Doug said they used the stick to prop open the bears mouth so that they could pull a tooth. When they pulled the tooth fish and game figured that the bear was at least 20 years old. Maybe the same bear the scared Corbin and Kelsey in our garage. Caltrans used tractor to get it off the road. They buried the bear on top of Conway Summit.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Senior Prom 2008
Well it is prom night here. The Academy and Lee Vining High School are having a combined event at the Mono Inn. Kelsey went with a friend of hers that she has know since kindergarten his name is Garrett and he is a good kid. They went as friends and I hope that they have a good time.
Kristyn we are so proud of you a double major is a really great accomplishment and it will take you where ever you want to go, so get ready for a journey. Not to hog the blog but a couple of reminders Kyle's 8th grade graduation in June 5, 2008 and Kelsey's is June 9, 2008. We will be in Hurricane on Saturday May 17th, enjoying a sweet bridal shower for Courtney, thanks to everyone for the thought and the deed. Corbin is doing ok we are still waiting to hear a couple of test thanks to everyone for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers. Check out the pictures and I hope to see everyone soon.
Kristyn we are so proud of you a double major is a really great accomplishment and it will take you where ever you want to go, so get ready for a journey. Not to hog the blog but a couple of reminders Kyle's 8th grade graduation in June 5, 2008 and Kelsey's is June 9, 2008. We will be in Hurricane on Saturday May 17th, enjoying a sweet bridal shower for Courtney, thanks to everyone for the thought and the deed. Corbin is doing ok we are still waiting to hear a couple of test thanks to everyone for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers. Check out the pictures and I hope to see everyone soon.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
news news news
Hey everyone,
Things have been good over here in Santa Barbara. We had some cold weather but it is beautiful out right now. Funny how I am inside writing a blog instead of on the beach! I am actually waiting to go to lunch with my friend Courtney and then we might head to the County Fair for rides and good old fashioned fun!
I am really excited for next weekend because I am going to the Stagecoach Festival with my best friend Brianne! It's a three day country music festival. We're going to see a ton of great acts: The Eagles, Trisha Yearwood, Tim McGraw, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift, Dierks Bentley, Rascall Flats, The Judds, etc etc etc. I am sooo excited! Aunt Victoria's (My mom's sister) husband works for the company that does the marketing/promotion for it so he got me two free passes with all the works. Its out in Palm Springs so it is sure to be a hot, long weekend but it will be fun. We're going to camp out in tents in the campground, too.
After that I only have a couple weeks left of school and then I will be a college graduate! It's so crazy. The time went by so quickly. I am graduating on Saturday, June 14th at 9am. Everyone is invited, of course, if you can make it over to Santa Barbara! I would love to see everyone there. It is a pretty momentous occasion for me. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do next -- hopefully find a job!! Haha.
About two months ago my Mom and Steve also bought a house in Escondido, just a little bit away from where Dad and Nita live. It's a very nice house on the top of one of the biggest hills, right on the edge of Escondido and San Marcos. So we are no longer on Kibler Drive. The new address is 1985 Woodland Heights Glen, Escondido, CA 92026. So update your address books if you have anything to mail to me or TJ.
Anyway, I hope everyone is doing great. Here's a funny picture of me and my friend Courtney to entertain you all. :)
Friday, April 25, 2008
Final Days
Well...I am in the midst of finals...and in my final days here at CBU...Warren is coming down to help me move out on Sunday I move out offically on Monday around 11 ...I am trying to figure out how I am going to fit all of my stuff in my car and then where it will fit in my room...which is a decidedly difficult task. I have one final left on Monday and then thats it...I will just be getting ready to get married on July 26...and anyways I love you all and just thought I would let you know what is new in my life.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
alright, well this is exciting, i have a little bit more than a month left in high school, before i graduate! and two of those weeks will be spent on the east coast, going to museums and visiting colleges and going to plays and having a good time with the school! i hope a bunch of you are coming to my graduation! you'll hopefully get your invitations in the mail soon here! i am still working and i am getting ready to go to college, talking to people who could be roomates and trying to figure out what classes i want to take, it's a lot to handle but it's so exciting and is going to be a lot of fun, i just know it!! well i had better go, love you all and can't wait to see you!!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
A Saturday Project

OK, yah were freakin tired. I bought the cutest material and got a pattern book from amazon and fully intended on making doll clothes and shoes all day saturday. Well, its almost 8 and do you think that I got any thing sewn? HAve my kids bathed? Have they eaten? Well, Heck no. We woke up thismorning and thought let's go get some flower boxes for the windows, and Jeff said, well are you going to water them and take care of them. I thought for a minute and said no, I will go to ROberts and get some plastic flowers for the spring. Then fall flowers and pointsettias for Christmas, I had it all planned out. Yah right. We ended up going to a nursery instead of the planned Lowes and began an even bigger arduous project. The pictures don't do it justice but I wanted a woodland look. The plants don't have blooms on them yet but I got red white and blue flowers. We dug up perfectly good grass, spent good money on dirt and laid weed cover, planted three spruse trees and some ground cover plants. It was a long day but I am glad it's over. Now where are those kids?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
me and Jessica say hi to everyone. about school is fine we have new Firends their name is rylie and steve we walk with them to school and home.and we went to grandma's house and we did springlers. My friends are here for school so I have to go now.
Luv you
Jessica and Brooke
Luv you
Jessica and Brooke
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Chicago Pics

Here are a couple of pics from Chicago. I had to steal these off of my freinds blog because we did'nt have our camara with us. Yah I know. CHeck out all of my co-workers in front of Wicked and our walk to the italian restuarant "The italian village" Where Al Capone used to eat. The food was bad but I guess they new we would'nt shoot them if it was bad.
Check out the color of the water, they deyed the water green for saint patty's day. It was so green it was florescent.
Bye for now.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Hey what a cutie he does look like Gracie,welcome to the family Pepper. We are trying to get our calenders set for June and July, looking forward to seeing everyone. Grandpa is hard at work in the orchard we have a ton of blooms hope we don't get a freeze should be plenty of fruit for everyone. Today grandpa went and rented a trencher to put in the sprinkler lines it's pretty cold and windy out there. Aunt Cher'i will be 39 years old on the 26th, hope uncle David shows her a good night out OR in . We need more blogers I know their is a lot going on in the families please blog and keep us informed. grandma
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Spring Break
Hi, i havn't seen you all in such a long time. I am on my spring break so i actually had time to write. For Easter I get to go to Knotts Berry Farm. On Thursday my family is going to Riverside because my sister is going to Mock Trial. Kelsey is going to be a prosecution lawyer. Everybody should come down to Riverside on Saturday and watch. I am working on a term paper on archaeology. I will let you know what i got on it after it is graded. It is not due until May 2. Courtney was home for the week for her spring break. She left this morning, but her and Warren got to spend some time together.(I think their in love!!) She spent most of her vacation kissing. How is tree trimming going grandpa? Wish us luck on our raffle. Talk to you later.
P.S. Uncle Jeff, Aunt Annette, Brooke, Jessica, and Josh you have a cute dog.
P.S. Uncle Jeff, Aunt Annette, Brooke, Jessica, and Josh you have a cute dog.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Our family has grown by 4 feet

HI all,
Long time no Blog. Jeff and I just got back from Chicago. Wicked was well, Wicked. Amazing, we also went to the American Doll store, Tiffany's (but I didn't get a ring as cool as Courtney's), we also got Oprah's favorite popcorn and went to Crate and Barrell, everyone kept teasing me because I kipt calling it Cracker Barrel, But I didn't know better. I am not a shopper like all of them. We have a new Puppy, that's three now, (I feel like one step away from the crazy cat lady up the street) So here are some pic's Looks just like Gracie, she is only 7 months old though and not as round.
Congrats Courtney
Sunday, March 2, 2008
just a quick check in
to say hello. congratulations to courtney, how exciting!
everything is well on my side, getting ready to finish winter quarter, then i start my last quarter of college! eek! my graduation ceremony is june 14 at 9am, i hope that any of you would like to come that you could make it!
grandma, as far as the new neighbor lloyd goes, he moved out a few weeks ago and i dont see him that much anymore but he is getting big!
well i hope everyone is doing well. love you and miss you all!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Courtney what a beautiful choice, Ican't see what the cut is though, warren sounds very romantic Ican't wait to meet him. So KK did you go skying or boarding its getting really warm here. Hey TJ you are part of the family also where is your blog ? Kristyn how is that new neighbor I'll bet he is getting very big, well you are down to the wire for school everything OK?
We went to Salt Lake for Josh's Eagle award it was a very nice presentation He did a great job the girls were very helpful also, jeffs dad broke his hip 2 days before the award and had surgery award day (hang in there Albert). well this morning looks like another beautiful day the window washers are here and the housekeepers got to see if we can get rid of some of the germs floating around so I can get well. ;ove to all
We went to Salt Lake for Josh's Eagle award it was a very nice presentation He did a great job the girls were very helpful also, jeffs dad broke his hip 2 days before the award and had surgery award day (hang in there Albert). well this morning looks like another beautiful day the window washers are here and the housekeepers got to see if we can get rid of some of the germs floating around so I can get well. ;ove to all
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
It's offically OFFICAL!!

I am engaged!!! On Monday February 25th, 2008 Warren and I went out to dinner at Duane's Steakhouse in the Mission Inn, which by the way was fabulous. I had the chef's special which was peppercorn encrusted steak with potatoes and grilled asparagus and Warren had the fillet Mignon with potatoes and broccoli. So after we finished our meal we sat talking and then the manager of the restaurant brought out two glasses of sparkling cider and beside my glass was a rose (featured in the picture) inside the rose was the ring, and then Warren asked me to marry him and I said yes. The date for our wedding in July 26, 2008 and we look forward to seeing all of you there. Here are various pictures of our evening and one random of me I took in my dress before Warren came and picked me up. Anyways hope everything is going well with all you of you! Love you all!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Save the date
Saturday, July 26, 2008 is a date that should be saved. Invitations to follow.
That is all I have to say.
That is all I have to say.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
hey everyone! well, grandma, i think that i am going snowboarding sometime later this week, and i will hopefully take pictures then, and if not then i am for sure going next friday so i will definitely put some pictures up! well, nothing much has been going on here, just working and school, and we just finished the speech contest, but i decided to not go on to the next level, since i didn't like my speech that much. well, i am just sitting here with mom and kyle in the living room watching just for laughs. warren is a nice guy, and you all will like him a lot when you meet him. well i had better go, i love you all and hope to see you all soon! much love!!!
Stamp Of Approval

OK, Corky, This is officially my stamp of approval. He's adorable and he carries a gun. I like him. What is the next step??? No rush though. My and Jeffs long distance phone bill used to go into the 700's each month, we figures it would be cheaper to get married. LOL That was before unlimited Minutes on cell phones.
We're really proud of Josh but sad that some of you will miss it. I will post photos after. Here is his photo.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Well Daughter if we go by her Mom and Dads history you met then you came home and said I met the man I am going to Marry that was in the spring you wanted a valentines wedding So I Bought a ton of red and white dotted swiss material, Then you informed me you were getting married in Two Weeks, Then we met Dougs mom at the chicken ranch (not that chicken ranch)
and about two weeks later you were married with a beautiful wedding and I am sure Corky is headed down the same path, I hope she finishes school to get a teachers degree no matter when the wedding takes place. You can go to school and be married.
So KK how was the sking I here Corbin was on his butte alot I am really glad the trip went forward.
We are going to Salt Lake Friday for Joshes Eagle award we will PU Grandma Lois and I hope unt Ila we will see. We just got home from Olive Garden for lunch and Best Buy to shop.see ya soon I hope
grandma Faye
and about two weeks later you were married with a beautiful wedding and I am sure Corky is headed down the same path, I hope she finishes school to get a teachers degree no matter when the wedding takes place. You can go to school and be married.
So KK how was the sking I here Corbin was on his butte alot I am really glad the trip went forward.
We are going to Salt Lake Friday for Joshes Eagle award we will PU Grandma Lois and I hope unt Ila we will see. We just got home from Olive Garden for lunch and Best Buy to shop.see ya soon I hope
grandma Faye
Let It Be Known
Introducing Warren Bithell & Courtney Northington
We had a really great time meeting Warren Bithell's family Thursday night. They are so sweet and kind; we had dinner and chatted into the night. Warren and his family are from Hesperia, CA. We met his mom Natalie and his aunt Roberta his dad was unable to come up he was working. Warren also has 14 year old twin sisters Bridgett and Shannon we hope to meet them next month. Apparently C&W are in love, at least that is what they keep saying, so I thought everyone should meet him. I have given more details than I should so feel free to ask Courtney any further clarifying questions.
Hey Dad, please advise what is the next step after meeting the family?
Hey Dad, please advise what is the next step after meeting the family?
We will talk to you all soon. Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone.
PS Josh we are all so proud of you and your hard work making it to Eagle Scout. I wish we could be there to party with you all maybe you could send me a piece of cake.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Hiya Grandpa and Grandma, well it is Friday and I just got back from snowboarding today! It was a blast, we had such a fun time, it was sunny and warm and the snow was all powder with no ice. I went off of a few jumps and only fell once, which was pretty awesome. I am really tired though, from it, you don't realize how much it wears you out until you're done. I don't know what I'm doing this weekend, hopefully nothing just staying at home and relaxing, that would be cool. I hope everyone is doing fine, but right now I have to go you all!!!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

LOOK SNOW the orchard after a day of snow it was so pretty and sooooo cold. Unfortunatly it started to storm on sunday after the 1st half of the game and knocked out the TV NO GAME TV untill monday morning so to bed I go with my magazines and radio, I could not find the game on the radio so grandma and grandpa watched TIVO I took a nap. However my team won but no one took me up on my bet which really worry's me as I kept it at a doller. Corky you leave a lot out of your blog I think everyone should know about ALL that is going on.
Love Grandma
Well...I just got out of my morning class Global Studies and have sometime to kill before my math class at 9:30, so I thought I would blog. Anyways school is going good I have midterms at the end of the month, so I am starting to prepare for those. I am going home on Thursday for the weekend, so that should be relaxing and fun. The weather is finally starting to be nice again, thank goodness! Well...I have got dishes to do, love you all!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
HI everyone Kristyn is being shy she is walking with two degrees when she graduates in June, we will be there if all dates work out. Kelsey is graduating also in june ,we are hopeing to see all.
Jessica and Brooke great puppets, and Josh we will be there for your Eagle Court, not sure who all is coming ,Maybe Cheri, Grandma Lois and aunt ILa the key word MAYBE.
love you grandma
Jessica and Brooke great puppets, and Josh we will be there for your Eagle Court, not sure who all is coming ,Maybe Cheri, Grandma Lois and aunt ILa the key word MAYBE.
love you grandma
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Guess what !! It snowed in Hurricane all day and all night on Monday,there still is a little on the orchard and in corners, Buddy did not even like to go potty on the snow. The sun is shinning today so by afternoon the snow should be gone. Who is going to win the super bowl we need to get a wager going,I'll take the Patriots and give 10 points for a dollar. Grandma Lois is going to come on Friday and spend a few days with us,Grandpa is going to take her to vegas next week she sold her home and they are closed in escrow so she has to sign papers.I am glad that will be off her mind.Ok put in your wagers for the game (be creative)love
Monday, January 28, 2008
Hey everyone there isn't much going on here. I started school last week and all of my classes seem like they will be pretty good. I have been working alot this week and trying to get back into the groove. I won a Top 10 program at SRAP which is a RA leadership conference, my understanding is that is pretty good. I had a good weekend other than that I spent some time in LA with my friends and we all had a really good time. Now its back to studying. Hope all is well!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Jan 22 2008
It's a cold day on the farm, took your grand mother mother to get a blood test this morning and picked up some food on the wary home from Lin's.
It was great to hear from Kristyn, nice to know she has a new friend name Lloyd. Looking forward to her college graduation this June. Maybe the next time she visits her brother TJ she could teach him how to post. Maybe a piture of his surf board, dorm room, friend or even a photo of friends dog.
Talked to Daniel and Max a day or so ago, Daniel sounded like she was doing well in school, Max was very happy, said he was coming to the farm to feed the horses.
Kyle like the rest of us was not please with the out come of the Charges game on Sunday, now they are all off to the golf course and hospital.
Josh got a new DS, bought it him self, maybe now he can teach me how to get the Sedako game started on grandmas DS, Brook and Jessica seamed ok last time I talked to them, they need to post more pictures with their moms new camera.
Courtney call to report on her date, I sorry I cannot say much about it, only that the new guy I think his name is Lloyd also was taking her to meet his folks.
Kelsey took some semi final exams an thinks she did ok, maybe she could post the results.
See you latter.
It was great to hear from Kristyn, nice to know she has a new friend name Lloyd. Looking forward to her college graduation this June. Maybe the next time she visits her brother TJ she could teach him how to post. Maybe a piture of his surf board, dorm room, friend or even a photo of friends dog.
Talked to Daniel and Max a day or so ago, Daniel sounded like she was doing well in school, Max was very happy, said he was coming to the farm to feed the horses.
Kyle like the rest of us was not please with the out come of the Charges game on Sunday, now they are all off to the golf course and hospital.
Josh got a new DS, bought it him self, maybe now he can teach me how to get the Sedako game started on grandmas DS, Brook and Jessica seamed ok last time I talked to them, they need to post more pictures with their moms new camera.
Courtney call to report on her date, I sorry I cannot say much about it, only that the new guy I think his name is Lloyd also was taking her to meet his folks.
Kelsey took some semi final exams an thinks she did ok, maybe she could post the results.
See you latter.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Hi Family!
So about 4 days ago a new neighbor moved into our complex. He's a cute little blondie, and he is totally in love with me. Don't worry Dad and Grandpa, I don't think we'll be getting married ever. He's still a little baby, still poops and pees all over the place! He never sleeps more than two hours at a time and eats everything off the floor. He bites a lot too but it's okay because we are still teaching him.
Don't worry, he isn't mine! My neighbor Rob bought him. His name is Lloyd and he is a yellow lab. Right now he is about 10 pounds but he will grow up to be almost 100 lbs! He is pretty much the cutest thing ever except when he poops on our carpet. We babysit sometimes when his dad is at work or when he needs a break.
He is really a good little pup! He cries sometimes and chews on everything but he's really smart and learns quick. He is already almost potty trained.

Other than playing with the puppy, I have been swamped with school and work. I work almost 20 hours a week and go to school 3 - 4 hours a day. So I don't have much time to relax but it's okay! Gotta make the big bucks! (haha, yeah right). Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well! I love you all and miss you!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Corbin good job at least we know your alive and well. Grandpa worked in the orchard all day and Nate helped him, they got two more rows done. I hope all this work doesen't go for nought and we have a lot of fruit. Grandpa put the large outdoor garbage can in the kitchen this afternoon so I could purge some thing out of the cupboards ,haven't started as yet hope to get going in the morning.Ok how about the game on Sunday I sure hope the chargers win !! Brooke and Jessica
you did a great job with your blog.
you did a great job with your blog.
Cougar Lightning Staring CORBIN NORTHINGTON
For Immediate Release---
This is a must see!! A classic tale of college students and their "sweet rides"! Set in beautiful Southern California this musical video is fun for all. Full of shaking and baking theses future stars dazzle the audience. So feel free to sing along with the fun.
This is a must see!! A classic tale of college students and their "sweet rides"! Set in beautiful Southern California this musical video is fun for all. Full of shaking and baking theses future stars dazzle the audience. So feel free to sing along with the fun.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Do I have something on my face???
Feeling Blue?
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Well guys , If this works I will be better at posting ,I have been posting to what I thought was the site but it keeps going to a site I inadvertantly started of my own the only person on that site is me very boreing, all is well on the farm but it is very cold and windy,Nate and cory came by last weekend and took down the Xmas decorations and visited and we bought lunch ,Nate offered to help grandpa with the trimming next saturday. After christmas we had a girls night out it was me, Cheri.grandma Barton,and grandmas friend Iris, we went out to dinner and went to a play " The Forgotten Carol" it was great I am hopeing to go again next month if we can find a good play, to bad Wicked is not playing here. Hope every one is well and HOW ABOUT THOSE CHARGERS, Lets hope this works.
Love Grandma Faye
Love Grandma Faye
Sunday, January 13, 2008
It was good to go "home"

We had the opportunity to visit the old homestead. All looks well in the big city. I hung around Coronado while Doug was in meetings. Corbin and I even went to lunch at the Pearl but we really needed grandpa, to help us with the dim sum ladies. (we played it safe and had the lunch combo.) Lots has changed in old SD none of our old hang outs remain, but there are lots of new choices. Kelsey and Kyle had fun at their grandma Charlotte's house, they made pies and baked bread of course. Courtney managed to fit us into her very busy schedule, it could have been because we had her new leather jacket. We are back home in the snow a big change from the gorgeous silver strand. There is way too much snow here still. Kelsey, Kyle and I drove home Sunday a we really appreciate the Charger updates! it sounded like a great game I wish I had been brave enough to put $100.00 on it. We will be back to the regular grind for the week, we expect Doug home on Tuesday night.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
I'm feeling Wicked
Jeff and I are going to CHicago in March and we were lucky enough to be going with a group of others that want to stay another day and see the Musical Wicked. I was pretty excited but now that I have the soundtrack I am beside myself. I called Barbara right away to see if it would be worth it, she said it definately would be worth it. She said, get the tickets, get a good seat and DONT SING. Well that was pretty funny. It's OK I have the music playing in my car at all times and its on the laptop at home and my computer at work. I can sing as loud as I want to in the car at least.

Friday, January 11, 2008
Jan 10th 2008
Hey everybody today is Danielle's eleventh birthday. Give her a call and sing Happy Birthday to her, I did my best she seamed to like it, at least she did not laugh at my singing. She got a new fancy skate board, that is like a snow board.. Maybe some one could show her how to post a picture of the "stick" on our blog?
She cannot ride the board because her mom and Max both are sick and she has to take care of them hope they get better soon.
Has any body heard from Courtney today she had another date with the new fellow, they went bowling in Riverside, he drove all the way from Bridgeport to riverside to go bowling, everybody know there is no bowling alleys in Bridgeport.
She cannot ride the board because her mom and Max both are sick and she has to take care of them hope they get better soon.
Has any body heard from Courtney today she had another date with the new fellow, they went bowling in Riverside, he drove all the way from Bridgeport to riverside to go bowling, everybody know there is no bowling alleys in Bridgeport.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Jan 9th 2008
Well it Wednesday on the farm, another day at work, weather is some what bad, hope to be able to trim trees this week end. Looks like Doug has a lot of snow to shovel, hope Kyle helps.
You mother/grandma is doing about the same, she is having a problem posting to this blog, hope one of you get on the phone with her when she is on the computer to help her.
My visit to the doctor last firday for the internal inspection of the external port went well, I was a bit apprehensive, the nurse put IV in my arm, I talked to the doctor for a minute, and he told the nurse to give me 1.35%. I laying on the gurny without any clothes on, big crack in the back and thinking to my self, I wounder just how long is it going to take to get to sleep. We I did not get through that thought, I was out. Next thing I remember was opening one eye starring in to a TV monitor look at a one eyed snake going about it marry way inspecting, then it was over. No pain the only pain was the night before and that morning after taking 6 tablespoons of fleet emimna. Big grippers and lots of time on the throne. Well the good news from the doctor was only one poulop and it look ok, they sent it in for testing. I was unable to get a video or I would have posted it for all to see.
You mother/grandma is doing about the same, she is having a problem posting to this blog, hope one of you get on the phone with her when she is on the computer to help her.
My visit to the doctor last firday for the internal inspection of the external port went well, I was a bit apprehensive, the nurse put IV in my arm, I talked to the doctor for a minute, and he told the nurse to give me 1.35%. I laying on the gurny without any clothes on, big crack in the back and thinking to my self, I wounder just how long is it going to take to get to sleep. We I did not get through that thought, I was out. Next thing I remember was opening one eye starring in to a TV monitor look at a one eyed snake going about it marry way inspecting, then it was over. No pain the only pain was the night before and that morning after taking 6 tablespoons of fleet emimna. Big grippers and lots of time on the throne. Well the good news from the doctor was only one poulop and it look ok, they sent it in for testing. I was unable to get a video or I would have posted it for all to see.
First Day of Class
Well I just finished my first day of class and am now looking for employment, I loved my dog job, but I am looking for a job that has something to do with teaching, to put on my resume and gain experience. So all went well with school, my professor is nice, the course has a lot of writing but it prolly wont be that hard I love writing. I am happy to be back in warm, and sunny Southern California. Hope all is well with everyone!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Happy New Year
We it's 2008 hope each and everyone of you have a great new year.
All is well on the farm, tree pruning is proceeding. Grandma and I have a very uneventful new years eve, in bed at 9:00 PM.
Barbara and her family visited for a few days after Christmas, we had a good time with them, they helped you mom take down inside Christmas stuff. We went to see a couple of movies, the new one about the lost treasure and the one about the golden compass. Both were good.
Have a doctors appointment on Friday, they will open the back door and have a detailed look, I will see if I can get a copy of the video and post.
Don't forget to post so that we can know what's going on in your world!!!
All is well on the farm, tree pruning is proceeding. Grandma and I have a very uneventful new years eve, in bed at 9:00 PM.
Barbara and her family visited for a few days after Christmas, we had a good time with them, they helped you mom take down inside Christmas stuff. We went to see a couple of movies, the new one about the lost treasure and the one about the golden compass. Both were good.
Have a doctors appointment on Friday, they will open the back door and have a detailed look, I will see if I can get a copy of the video and post.
Don't forget to post so that we can know what's going on in your world!!!
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