Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Jan 9th 2008

Well it Wednesday on the farm, another day at work, weather is some what bad, hope to be able to trim trees this week end. Looks like Doug has a lot of snow to shovel, hope Kyle helps.

You mother/grandma is doing about the same, she is having a problem posting to this blog, hope one of you get on the phone with her when she is on the computer to help her.

My visit to the doctor last firday for the internal inspection of the external port went well, I was a bit apprehensive, the nurse put IV in my arm, I talked to the doctor for a minute, and he told the nurse to give me 1.35%. I laying on the gurny without any clothes on, big crack in the back and thinking to my self, I wounder just how long is it going to take to get to sleep. We I did not get through that thought, I was out. Next thing I remember was opening one eye starring in to a TV monitor look at a one eyed snake going about it marry way inspecting, then it was over. No pain the only pain was the night before and that morning after taking 6 tablespoons of fleet emimna. Big grippers and lots of time on the throne. Well the good news from the doctor was only one poulop and it look ok, they sent it in for testing. I was unable to get a video or I would have posted it for all to see.