So about 4 days ago a new neighbor moved into our complex. He's a cute little blondie, and he is totally in love with me. Don't worry Dad and Grandpa, I don't think we'll be getting married ever. He's still a little baby, still poops and pees all over the place! He never sleeps more than two hours at a time and eats everything off the floor. He bites a lot too but it's okay because we are still teaching him.
Don't worry, he isn't mine! My neighbor Rob bought him. His name is Lloyd and he is a yellow lab. Right now he is about 10 pounds but he will grow up to be almost 100 lbs! He is pretty much the cutest thing ever except when he poops on our carpet. We babysit sometimes when his dad is at work or when he needs a break.
He is really a good little pup! He cries sometimes and chews on everything but he's really smart and learns quick. He is already almost potty trained.

Other than playing with the puppy, I have been swamped with school and work. I work almost 20 hours a week and go to school 3 - 4 hours a day. So I don't have much time to relax but it's okay! Gotta make the big bucks! (haha, yeah right). Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well! I love you all and miss you!