OK, yah were freakin tired. I bought the cutest material and got a pattern book from amazon and fully intended on making doll clothes and shoes all day saturday. Well, its almost 8 and do you think that I got any thing sewn? HAve my kids bathed? Have they eaten? Well, Heck no. We woke up thismorning and thought let's go get some flower boxes for the windows, and Jeff said, well are you going to water them and take care of them. I thought for a minute and said no, I will go to ROberts and get some plastic flowers for the spring. Then fall flowers and pointsettias for Christmas, I had it all planned out. Yah right. We ended up going to a nursery instead of the planned Lowes and began an even bigger arduous project. The pictures don't do it justice but I wanted a woodland look. The plants don't have blooms on them yet but I got red white and blue flowers. We dug up perfectly good grass, spent good money on dirt and laid weed cover, planted three spruse trees and some ground cover plants. It was a long day but I am glad it's over. Now where are those kids?