It has been a busy one, working 2 jobs as an RA at the dorms and a CSO at the Police Dept. I am also going to school full time and taking 19 units next semester. Over the summer I completed the states requirements to become a EMT-Basic. I hope to attend Palomar College in the near future to obtain a degree in Fire Science. I am hoping to be a RA next year, the benefits really do out weigh the stress. I am applying to CDF-San Diego and San Diego Fire Dept for the summer I hope to be able to make alot of money doing this. The picture above is of me manning the deck gun on top of Bridgeport Fire Engine 2 at the Larson Fire in Coleville in June. This picture was taken about 3 minutes before the fire caused us to run for our lives, it was probably the most fun I have ever had!